Thursday, September 22, 2011

Reviewed: Mac OS 10.7 Lion

The new OS has been out for a little bit but, I was finally able to upgrade. So my first impression of it is that it certainly feels like snow leopard meets iOS. Which leads to some good things and bad things.

Features of note include:
Launch pad Which I love because of how easy it is no organize and access apps that are not on my dock.

Full screen apps I love and hate. I love that if you are watching a movie in full screen and move to another "space" and then move back, before you would have to restore it to full screen. Not anymore it will remain just as you left it. I hate it because if you are web browsing and want to click and drag it to your desktop. Well you just can't.

2 finger swipe to change space/full screen app.
I both loved and hated this as well. I love how easy it made it to switch between screens. But I used to do that to go forward or backward in my Internet browser. Now I can either have one or the other. The magic mouse is not sensitive enough to use 3 fingers. So I have to choose if I want easy multitouch for switching pages or spaces and apps. Why can't I have both? I think if I did have multitouch pad instead of my mouse I could do that but I don't like that I like my mouse better.

In general it works very quickly and smoothly and feels like a very nice upgrade from Mac OS 10.6. So other then a few small quirks it is a useful and smooth OS.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Reviewed: Motor Trend's Best Driver's Car Comparison

This September Motor Trend held their annual Best Driver's Car Comparison test. There were 11 cars competing in the test and some of the results were quite surprising.  First what is a driver's car according to Motor Trend? "It's not brute performance or gut-wrenching grip. A great driver's car is about balance and finesse, about the quality of the interaction between man and machine. A great driver's car has the chassis and powertain and brakes and steering that enable the enthusiast driver to confidently explore the limits of its performance envelope on the track, yet remains engaging and entertaining when driven on the road. A great driver's car doesn't dare you to tame it; instead, it helps you maximize your potential."

See full Article here.

The results are as follows in order of last to first:

11) Lotus Evora S

10) BMW 1M

9) Lexus LFA

8) Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG

7) Audi R8 GT

6) Chevrolet Corvette Z06

5) Ford Mustang Boss 302 Laguna Seca

4) Porsche Cayman R

3) Porsche 911 GT3 RS

2) Nissan GTR

1) Ferrari 458 Italia

Thing to not about this test include the fact that the cheapest car, Boss 302, got 5th place. Also how close the judges were on the order of the Porsches in the results and that the most expensive car placed 9th.

The most surprising thing to me was that the Ferrari won.  I did not know that the 458 was so different from the Ferraris of the the past that were known for trying to kill their drivers should they make a mistake.

One thing that I did not like about this test is some of their choices of what cars to put into the test. Most of the cars are hardcore/ race ready versions of already good cars.  Many times this means that they are worse drivers cars. For example I feel that the normal Audi R8 V10 would have been a much better choice then the R8 GT.  Other then that I enjoyed this test very much especially the 11 car drag race.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Movie for My Wife

Candy was really great this week so I made this small movie on my iPod for her.  The end has a little surprise.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What my Wife did Today that made me Love her More!

Today was a very busy day for me.  I had classes and or tutored straight from about 8am until about 6pm.  Then after that I had a very lengthy assignment that I had to do on the computer.  Candy was very sad that we had to spend so much of our time apart.  To make it better she packed my an amazing lunch which was so much better then having to get Taco Bell or something.  She kindly picked me up at 6 with a smile and after I kissed her she informed me that she was covered in feces because of an accident that she had when she was at work.  We laughed.  Candy made dinner for me as I worked on homework, it is so nice to have such support.  I took a break for dinner.  After dinner Candy continued waiting for me to finish.  Then when I was at last done, we were finally able to sit down and have a nice conversation about our day.  I am so lucky to have such a wonderful wife.
This is a picture of Candy in a garden in England making the flowers jealous.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bentley Integrates Apple Tech into a Concept

Bentley shows us a concept in which they integrate 2 iPads a Mac mini and an iPod Touch into their backseat entertainment system. In this concept both backseat passengers get an iPad with an Apple bluetooth keyboard sadly you can not remove the iPads in this concept which could limit functionality, but it does keep them charged and in sync using the Mac mini, in the trunk, as a data hub.

My favorite thing about this is that with the a Mac mini as the data hub you will get 500GB of onboard storage. This would allow most people to carry their entire media library with them on the go.

Check it out here.